Check-in 28
If you attend class on 11/6, you will have a chance to do this assignment in-class for the C28 grade

Write the code that a compiler might output for the following 3AC code:

			enter f
			[a] := 6 ADD64 [g]
			[g] := 6 ADD64 [b]
			leave f
  • a is the first local in f and occupies 8 bytes
  • b is the second local in f and occupies 8 bytes
  • g is a global at label var_g
  • There are only 2 locals in f

If you skip class on 11/6, you should complete the above assignment on your own.
Turn your work in on Canvas to the C28 folder by 11:59 PM on 11/10 (the Sunday following 11/6).