Lab 14
12/9 @ 11:59 PM
Not accepted late
Note: this is lab 14, even though we're in week 15. The difference is because of the week(s) where no lab was held.

This lab is about creating a transformation pass with LLVM. You can largely base your code off of the example code described in the video and available here

For this lab, you should extend / alter the cool pass to create a new analysis pass. It should accept the argument cooler-pass and print out, for each function in the analyzed code, the number of basic blocks in each function (Hint: you can get the list of blocks using Function.getBasicBlockList() and get the size of the result).
For example, the output of the code on fact.ll is:
_Z4facti has 4 blocks
main has 1 blocks

Assuming that you keep the library name as libCoolPass, this would be invoked by

opt --load-pass-plugin=./src/ fact.ll -passes=cooler-pass -disable-output

Submission Instructions

Create a tarball consisting of a single directory with all of your work in it, such as code or written answers. If you have any auxiliary files (READMEs, Makefiles, etc.), be sure to include those as well. Name your work directory l14 and name the tarball l14.tgz. Upload your tarball to the L14 Canvas assignment.

Labs will be graded under one of following criteria:

  1. Effort: You will automatically be given full credit for the labwork if the GTA determines that your participation in the lab was meaningful - i.e. you attended the lab session and used the time to make a good-faith attempt to complete the work. It is the sole discretion of the GTA to determine if you put in sufficient effort. Even if you expect an effort-based grade, you should turn in your (possibly incomplete) work.
  2. Correctness: If you do not participant meaningfully in lab (i.e. you do not attend the lab session), your grade will be assessed based on the correctness of your lab submission.

Advice: How to Approach Labs

The two-criteria grading scheme above is designed to avoid wasting your time. You should not feel obligated to attend the lab, and in fact should only do so if you want help from the GTA on the labwork assignment or whatever project is currently in progress. Here's a handy flowchart for how I suggest you approach lab: